Friday, March 29, 2013

Should We Allow Texas Farms to Buy Our Politicians?

Industrial farms around the nation are fighting back against animal rights groups with litigation and help from state senators. Could Texas be next and should we prevent them? After all, The cattle industry is big business in Texas. It started when Central Valley Meat, a Californian slaughterhouse, was shut down in 2012 after a string of undercover videos popped up on the internet showing animal abuses at the accused plant. Corporate farms in Iowa, Vermont, and Florida began pushing legislation that would prevent citizens from exposing similar abuses. Farms in other states are also considering similar tactics. Going so far as to accuse these activists of being terrorists even though they haven't committed any real crimes. These bills would make it illegal to photograph farms without the owner's consent and a felony to lie on the job application.

Let me start by saying, I am a carnivore and like the taste of steak just as much as the next guy. However, the idea of skinning calves alive and causing unnecessary suffering to animals disturbs me. I wouldn't buy food from a company guilty of such atrocities. I understand that it's not possible to provide livestock with ideal living conditions and provide the volume needed to feed the country, but there should be consideration. I also believe that industrial farms (CAFOs) left unregulated will not enforce policies as strictly as needed. We need whistle blowers in the system to provide information on how our food is being processed. Let's be honest the majority of us, including me, would not take the time or effort to investigate such issues on our own, even though it does matter. Texas's cattle industry is very important, but similar bills should not be allowed to pass here. It's not just for the sake of animals but Texans as well. We have a right to know if these farms are operating within the law and if they're preparing our food properly and morally.

The only purpose of these bills is to keep the general public from having an inside window to conditions taking place inside these farms. It's not like a defense contractor where espionage is more prevalent and restricting pictures is necessary. Private property owners do have certain rights, but considering the industry those rights shouldn't be taken for granted. If it's cheaper to buy politicians that pass laws to prevent the leakage of animal abuses instead of preventing them, it just goes to show that what happened in these videos is much more common than the public would like to believe. I'm not a big fan of deregulation. It didn't work for Enron or the hedge fund industry, so why would these mega farms be any different? I'm not beating on farmers, I know most are honest hardworking individuals. What we're talking about here are corporate farms with little incentive, other than the fear of getting shut down, to regulate themselves in an appropriate manner.

I haven't even touched the other reason to support stricter regulations. E. coli, mad cow disease, and salmonella have gotten a lot of media exposure lately. One of these undercover videos caught an inspector, one of the guys who are supposed to protect us, coaching farm operators on how to cheat inspections. So now we've gone from a moral dilemma to a public health issue. When something goes wrong at one of these farms hundreds of people get sick before the culprit is tracked down. As a result, thousands of animals will be put down because of lax regulatory enforcement. Instead of misspent resources on litigation CAFOs should be working on methods to prevent such abuses from occurring in the first place. So, if a few activists want to sacrifice their time going undercover and exposing the farming industries' dirty secrets, I commend them. They're contributing to a worthy societal cause. 


1 comment:

  1. In a commentary on the Eyes of Texas blog, Mr. Jake addresses the important topic of regulation in the industrial farm industry in Texas. He informs the reader about the recent push by CATO's (concentrated animal feeding operations) on State Senator's to make it a felony to video inside these facilities and to lie on job applications in order to gain access to these facilities where animals are imprisoned and often tortured and mistreated. He questions whether Texas, along with Iowa, Vermont, and Florida, will felonize these so called whistle blowers while keeping the public in the dark about what happens to animals prior to being burgers. Mr. Jake's commentary is well written and thoughtful....for a steak loving carnivore.
    The blog is titled "Should We Allow Texas Farms to Buy Our Politicians," and the answer is no. That's if it hasn't already been done. I was saddened by President Obama's recent signing of H.R. 933, which prevents litigation against biotechnology corporations. These GMO corporate giants, such as Mansato, along with CATO's will be responsible for the annihilation of our food supply and the destruction of human health. I don't trust that our representatives, here in Texas, have the public's best interest in mind.
    I commend Mr. Jake's defense of these courageous and inspiring citizens. He states that, "We need whistle blowers in the system to provide information on how our food is being processed." and "It's not just for the sake of animals but Texans as well. We have a right to know if these farms are operating within the law and if they're preparing our food properly and morally."
    The blog author also mentions the public health issues of E. coli and salmonella but fails to mention the ammonia and hydrogen sulfide that comes from the 280 billion pounds of manure each year. The improper storage and disposal is a serious threat to air and water quality. Texas does little to enforce environmental standards on these CATO's.
    Thanks to Jake for the great topic but I don't think his blog entry display's the seriousness of this issue. This video was taken at the E6 cattle company in Hart, Texas in 2011, by Mercy For Animals. Videotaping at factory farms would not be necessary if proper regulations were put in place to protect animals from cruel and inhumane mistreatment. The system enables this sickening cruelty with the lack of regulations and actual laws.
    "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the ways its animals are treated"-Mahatma Gandhi
